Author: Karolína Horáčková

Thanks to my internship, I feel in control of my career

Tereza Prošková is a student of the Bachelor’s program in Media Studies at the Metropolitan University in Prague, and at the same time, she is completing an HR internship at the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences. This year, she is preparing for the completion of her studies, which she is…

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I told myself that whatever I don’t know, I will learn

Patrik Kašpárek is a first-year master’s student of Surface and Plasma Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (MATFYZ) at Charles University. He is completing an internship focused on biomechanics at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (AV ČR). Although this topic is entirely new to him,…

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Completing the internship has definitely encouraged me to return to the Czech Republic

Zuzana Šaterová studies Biochemistry at the University of Glasgow in Scotland and has just started her third year of her Bachelor’s degree. During her internship in the research group of Hanka Lísalová at the Institute of Physics of the CAS, she worked with an HPLC instrument, which she helped to optimise and implement in the…

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The internship that exceeded my expectations

Denys Yazlovetskyi comes from Ukraine, but after graduating from high school, he decided to pursue his studies in the Czech Republic. First, he spent a year in Brno, where he learned Czech. Then he enrolled in the bachelor’s program in Drug Synthesis and Production at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, where he…

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Zuzana Kubešová

Every step, even the one that takes us elsewhere, brings us closer to our goal

Zuzana Kubešová is a student at the University of Economics and Masaryk University, where she combines the study of Business Economics and Management with Social Sciences and Geography focused on education. During her internship at the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, she explored a variety of interesting areas, leading to…

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Science and adventure: how an internship in the Czech Republic changed Ryan’s perspective on his career

Ryan Magee, a student at North Carolina State University in the United States, spent several months as an intern at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in the Czech Republic. During his internship, he got to see what it’s like to work in the world of science and research, and got to work with…

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Radius Centre at the OPTO 2024 conference

We had the opportunity to present Radius Centre and the internships it offers to students not only of Czech universities at the prestigious OPTO 2024 conference. This year, for the first time outside Poland, it was held in Prague. The conference, organized by students, is celebrating its 19th year and is dedicated to the fields…

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From Spain to the Czech Republic: Internship at Beneš a Lát

Clara De Urquijo is a student from Spain who came to the Czech Republic through the Erasmus+ programme. Clara had the opportunity to do an internship at Beneš a Lát, a well-known Czech company specialising in the production and processing of metals. Find out what her job was like and much more in this interview.

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Summer Party: A celebration of summer and science

On Thursday 13 June, the first Summer Party of the Radius Centre took place at the Institute of Physics of the CAS. This event, designed for interns together with their supervisors, was a combination of a barbeque, valuable networking and an inspiring lecture on current innovations in space. The first part of the evening was…

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Chemist in the World of Physics

Benjamin is a student at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, yet he managed to successfully complete an internship at the Institute of Physics (FZU) in a team of top physicists. His ambitions initially went in a different direction, but thanks to his experience at FZU, he decided to stay, and today he…

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