Úroveň pokročilosti: Introductory Topic

Diagnostics of Reactive Plasma Using a Planar High-Frequency Probe During the Deposition of Layers with Antiviral Effects

As part of the internship, the student will be involved in the research of plasma deposition of crystalline CuFeO2 layers with antiviral effects. The deposition of CuFeO2 layers will be carried out using the method of reactive pulsed magnetron sputtering with an additional high-frequency inductively coupled plasma operating in resonance with the electron cyclotron wave.…

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A Look into the Heart of Affinity Biosensors: Custom Biochip Development

During this internship, the student will first become familiar with the fundamental principles of modern affinity optical and piezoelectric biosensors, which target the analysis of real, and therefore complex, biological samples, with a focus on public safety, clinical diagnostics, and food safety. The student will learn measurement techniques such as surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and…

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Preparation and Optimization of Inorganic Crystals for the Detection of Ionizing Radiation

During the internship, the student will become familiar with the characterization and preparation of crystals for scintillation detectors of ionizing radiation. The crystals will be prepared using the modern micro-pulling-down method, which is currently available only at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The influence of composition (stoichiometry) of gadolinium-gallium-aluminum garnet-based…

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Detection of pathogens or antibodies against pathogens using the series of LSPR active nanocomposites

The main aim of this study is to develop a new detection system for selected bacteria and viruses, as well as their proteins and antibodies against them. The detection system is focused on the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) where pathogen/protein/antibody attached to the LSPR sensors (containing metal nanoparticles) changes the optical and electrical characteristics.…

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Utilization of immobilized factors for the differentiation of primary osteoblasts

Tissue cultures are a focus of research in various fields as biology, chemistry, immunology, and medicine. Typically, so-called immortalized cultures are used—these are cell cultures that can multiply indefinitely but are modified in certain ways and therefore differ from cells in actual tissues, such as various cancer cells. Recently, the use of so-called primary cells,…

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Functional nanolayers for the real world

The student will become familiar with the procedures for the preparation, characterization, and application of functional nanolayers with so-called antifouling properties during their internship, which can have wide applications in the real world. They will learn methods such as post-modification of polymer layers to anchor bioreceptors to the surface, achieving targeted functional properties of the…

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Application of Cohesive Elements in Modeling Fracture of Heterogeneous Materials

The fracture process of concrete is a complex mechanism influenced by its highly heterogeneous internal structure: matrix/cement paste, aggregate, and pores. Damage development occurs at the interface between the cement paste and aggregate, where microcracks can form. The offered internship will focus on 2D/3D numerical modeling of this process using cohesive elements available in ANSYS…

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Determining the endurance life of selected construction materials

Current methods for determining the fatigue life of concrete structures focus on reducing stresses in structural elements. However, this approach only considers the degradation of mechanical properties due to cyclic loading and not the gradual development of microcracks. This topic is primarily concerned with the experimental determination of the fatigue life of construction materials, particularly…

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Materials for Efficient Hydrogen Storage

Efficient hydrogen storage is a challenge of the future. The aim of this work will be primarily the preparation of materials for hydrogen storage, creating graphs from measured data, and possibly assisting with their processing. At the same time, the student will also become familiar with working with an electron microscope. https://www.ipm.cz/

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Measurement of the speed of crack propagation in a PE pipe

A well mapped crack propagation mechanism is the basis for accurate lifetime prediction of various components. While crack propagation rate measurement techniques are relatively well developed for metallic materials and the mechanisms are well described, this is not the case for polymeric materials. This work focuses on the measurement of crack propagation rate in various…

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