Obor: Physics

Identifiability analysis of parameters in Laser Shock Peening simulations

Laser shock peening (LSP) is used to improve the strength and fatigue resistance of components by hardening their surface. In our lab we have developed a framework for LSP simulation, which is based on the finite volume method. The critical component of the framework is the dynamic simulation of the elastoplastic shockwave that subjects the…

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Deep learning tools for gravitational wave science

The discovery of gravitational waves has brought a revolution in modern physics, opening up a new observational window into the Universe. In this project, the student will work on the development of machine learning tools for the detection and statistical analysis of gravitational waves from the mergers of black holes or neutron stars, using cutting-edge…

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Junior Biophysicist

Cytoskeleton Remodeling as a Potential Regulator of Metabolic Rewiring in Liver Cancer Cells Emerging evidence has revealed that physical stimuli from the cellular microenvironment play a crucial role in transmitting mechanical signals that regulate key cellular functions such as proliferation, migration, and malignant transformation [1-3]. It is now clear that tumor cells are subjected to…

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Diagnostics of Reactive Plasma Using a Planar High-Frequency Probe During the Deposition of Layers with Antiviral Effects

As part of the internship, the student will be involved in the research of plasma deposition of crystalline CuFeO2 layers with antiviral effects. The deposition of CuFeO2 layers will be carried out using the method of reactive pulsed magnetron sputtering with an additional high-frequency inductively coupled plasma operating in resonance with the electron cyclotron wave.…

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A Look into the Heart of Affinity Biosensors: Custom Biochip Development

During this internship, the student will first become familiar with the fundamental principles of modern affinity optical and piezoelectric biosensors, which target the analysis of real, and therefore complex, biological samples, with a focus on public safety, clinical diagnostics, and food safety. The student will learn measurement techniques such as surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and…

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Ph.D. thesis: Study of the influence of transients phenomena in piezoceramics in terms of fracture-mechanical response

The aim of this work is to determine and explain the change in mechanical behaviour due to transients with emphasis on the fracture mechanical response in selected lead-free piezioceramics. The main goal of the doctoral thesis will be to study the mechanical and fracture behaviour of piezoceramics (for example BTO, BTZC, etc.) during its transition…

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Ph.D. thesis: Microscopic processes at the fatigue crack tip

Fatigue crack growth is a process that is described macroscopically by quantities such as the stress intensity factor, J-integral or plastic part of the J-integral. There are many models of crack propagation at the microscopic level that consider plastic deformation around the crack tip, but which differ in details. Advances in experimental methods allow more…

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Ph.D. thesis: Development of hybrid composites compensating shrinkage at pyrolysis

This work aims to design and describe suitable methods of shrinkage compensation and/or control for the preparation of matrix composites and their effect on microstructural changes and fracture behaviour of hybrid composite materials containing such adapted matrix and ceramic fibres. The main goal of the doctoral thesis will be the design and characterization of hybrid…

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Local deformation mapping with 4D STEM software

4D STEM is an advanced transmission electron microscopy technique that simultaneously records a 2D diffraction pattern for each individual image point. Analysis of these patterns can then provide a wealth of information about the phase composition, crystallographic orientation and spatial distribution of microscopic deformations. During the internship the student will learn the basics of data…

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AI methods in electron and fluorescence microscopy

New generations of electron microscopes and super-resolution fluorescence microscopes, combined with deep learning methods, offer unprecedented possibilities for the analysis of material and biological samples. During the placement, students will learn about reconstruction methods such as deconvolution and super-resolution, and gain insight into methods for automatic segmentation, detection and trekking of large numbers of small…

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