
Radius Centre

Within reach of knowledge

"I recommend this internship to anyone, even people who don't know exactly what they are doing or what they want to do. It's great that as students we can see what we want to do in the future."

Benjamin Laboratory of Biophotonic

"It's definitely better to try everything before you start working".

Clara Beneš a Lát

"I would recommend participating in the internship to anyone who wants to gain new experience in the field of scientific research within a team of pleasant and friendly people."

Miriam Laboratory of Biophysics

My good internship experience has combined with my academic ambitions, so now I know that I would very much like to pursue a PhD.

Martin Laboratory of Functional Biointerfaces

"I wanted to learn new methods and refresh the methods I had forgotten."

Petra Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry

Radius Development Centre within reach of knowledge

With us, you will test your knowledge from school while working at top scientific institutions and with our partners from the private sector. You will get the opportunity to work on projects that can change everyday life, you will work with the most modern equipment and you will learn from leading experts in their fields. Thanks to that, you can start your career and shoot for the stars! It is exactly all this that the internship at the Radius Development Centre can bring you.

We offer internships in the following fields:

What to prepare for

The first opportunity to discuss the topic of the internship takes place online and in the presence of HR and the guarantor of the announced topic. The meeting usually takes 30 minutes. In general – fortune favors the prepared. To know what you want to say during the meeting, focus on what is relevant and important to emphasize. Be prepared for Q&As about yourself, to summarise your current working/ studying status and what goals, shortly you are going to achieve. It is also important to be ready to answer motivational questions, i.e. what do you like in general, what do you enjoy in your career way, why did you decide to apply for the internship at all? We are also interested in what and how you can work within fields of IT or laboratory methods, materials, etc. Everything depends on the topic and your area of expertise.

The preferred language used to communicate in working teams is English, don’t worry about the language barrier. The scientific environment is full of expats from different parts of the world, so English joins us.

We welcome everyone interested and we encourage everybody who wants to join us. We offer flexibility in the length and duration of internships and we aim at the potential for long-term collaboration.

Note: The quality and homogeneity of the selection procedure are ensured through HR partners/specialists who provide professional and methodological support to all applicants.

Recent Internships

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Take a look at the internships we offer

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