Jazyk: English

Artificial intelligence and various forms of automated driving

Development Simulation systems based on mathematical-physical models; Learning Methods Applicable to Quantitative and Qualitative Data, SW measuring and evaluation e.g. Matlab, Simulink, IAR for all ARM processors series, various HIL tools/devices/dataloggers for testing communication on vehicle bus like CAN, vehicle demonstrators based on Skoda platform, various SDK´s for embedded systems. Development new concept Human Machine…

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Bayesian Network Analysis of Conspiracy and Disinformation Narratives

In a recent opinion survey conducted by Czech Radio, the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and the Investigace.cz website, several questions were asked about belief in conspiracy theories, trust in institutions, and media consumption. A number of psychological variables were also included in the survey. The aim of the work is…

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Unlocking the Potential of 2D Materials

Are you fascinated by the potential of emerging 2D materials and their diverse applications across various fields? Join us in exploring the extraordinary features of these materials and unlocking their full potential! At our lab, we focus on the tuning of the properties of 2D materials to optimize their performance for specific applications. One of…

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Photoswitches – graphene functionalization using chiral organic molecules

In the current project, we are particularly interested in the covalent attachment of small organic molecules to 2D materials[i] and the linking of the latter via the former. While in most of our projects, the organic molecules used for surface modification are commercially available or readily available from such, some projects require more extensive synthetic efforts.…

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Supercapacitors based on 2D material Ti3C2 MXene

This topic connected with energy storage. In this project, student will use the 2D Ti3C2 MXene flakes for fabrication of supercapacitor. MXene is a new 2D material and has unusual electronic, mechanical and optical properties. The student will know the principle of the supercapacitor as well as how to fabricate it. The main parameters of…

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Self-cleaning surfaces by laser micro and nanostructuring

The optimal combination of surface topography and chemistry will result in superhydrophobic properties on hard-to-process materials. These properties will be further tested for self-cleaning behavior by the fast camera and image analysis. The candidate will learn the basics of laser technology, learn general information about other technologies. The student will work on literature research and…

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Laser nanostructuring for medical applications

State-of-the-art multi-beam and beam-shaping techniques will be utilized for the development of functional surface micro and nanostructures. These structures will be evaluated with respect to anti-bacterial or anti-microbial properties and cell growth. The candidate will learn the basics of laser technology, learn general information about other technologies. The student will work on literature research and…

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Advanced glass processing and functionalization

Advanced microscopic and diffraction or interference optical systems will be used for micro-drilling and cutting of glass and similar materials. In addition, functional micro and nanostructures will be developed for anti-reflection, superhydrophobic or oleophobic properties. Optical, SEM, and AFM analysis will be performed for the determination of optimal processing window and analysis of surface topography.…

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Complex shape micromachining

Advanced micromachining strategies for processing in 3, 4 and 5 axis combined with galvanometric scanners. The candidate will learn the basics of laser technology, learn general information about other technologies. The student will work on literature research and laboratory experiments. They will get acquainted with diagnostic devices. https://www.hilase.cz/

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Influence of laser beam size and wavelength in the determination of LIDT

The laser-induced damage resistance of large optical components remains an important limitation for the maintenance costs, reliability, and further development of high-energy laser systems. Traditionally, the laser-induced damage thresholds (LIDT) are performed on small samples and using small laser beam sizes (usually limited by the laser output), but these test results tend to be quite…

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