I Told Myself That Whatever I Didn’t Know, I Would Learn

Patrik Kašpárek is a first-year master’s student of Surface and Plasma Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (MATFYZ) at Charles University. He is completing an internship focused on biomechanics at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (AV ČR). Although this topic is entirely new to him, he started the internship with great determination to learn everything necessary. What does his work entail, and much more, you will discover in this interview.

What does your internship involve?

I don’t have a centrally defined topic; I do whatever is needed. Most of the time, I work with a 3D printer. Lately, I’ve mainly been helping with work on the control box for one measuring system, or I’ve been modeling some simple objects used for measurements.

How did you learn about the internship?

I found out about the Radius Center during the Company Days, which MATFYZ organizes annually. Later, I looked up Radius on my own and arranged the internship.

Did you have any previous experience with the kind of work you’re doing now? Have you had any other internships?

In the past, I’ve worked on various projects at MATFYZ. We also have student internships where I’ve done different things. But this is my first internship outside the faculty.

Are you satisfied with your choice?

Yeah, it’s really pleasant here, and the colleagues are nice.

Did you have any concerns before starting the internship?

Not really. I guess from my previous projects, I already knew that people in these fields are friendly and appreciate it when someone comes to them and shows interest in what they’re doing. I also told myself that if I don’t know something, I’ll learn it and that the supervisors can’t expect me to know everything, considering my background.

Would you recommend internships to other students?

Absolutely. The concept is great, and I like the involvement of the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. There’s quite a wide selection, and you can definitely find something that interests you. I’m very satisfied, and I would highly recommend my specific internship as well.