Organizace: Institute of Information Theory and Automation

Explanatory models for the interactive development of scientific theories

Machine learning methods are already a common part of scientific practice. However, the most accurate models are currently black-box models, where it is not easy to determine how the model works. It is possible that even accurate predictions are based on misinterpretation of data, for example due to incomplete training data. Explanable machine learning models…

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AI methods in electron and fluorescence microscopy

New generations of electron microscopes and super-resolution fluorescence microscopes, combined with deep learning methods, offer unprecedented possibilities for the analysis of material and biological samples. During the placement, students will learn about reconstruction methods such as deconvolution and super-resolution, and gain insight into methods for automatic segmentation, detection and trekking of large numbers of small…

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Segmentation of 2D biological objects

Segmentation of 2D biological objectsThe focus of the proposed work is the development of computer vision methods with an emphasis on object segmentation in 2D data. In collaboration with microbiologists, data will be analysed with specific tasks. The study will include the selection of appropriate metrics to compare the performance of different segmentation methods. Based…

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Artificial intelligence and various forms of automated driving

Development Simulation systems based on mathematical-physical models; Learning Methods Applicable to Quantitative and Qualitative Data, SW measuring and evaluation e.g. Matlab, Simulink, IAR for all ARM processors series, various HIL tools/devices/dataloggers for testing communication on vehicle bus like CAN, vehicle demonstrators based on Skoda platform, various SDK´s for embedded systems. Development new concept Human Machine…

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Bayesian Network Analysis of Conspiracy and Disinformation Narratives

In a recent opinion survey conducted by Czech Radio, the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and the website, several questions were asked about belief in conspiracy theories, trust in institutions, and media consumption. A number of psychological variables were also included in the survey. The aim of the work is…

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